Onion compress, Fever, DPT 1 Immunization, BabiesAbstract
Immunizations that must be given to babies include Diphtheria Pertussis Tetatus (DPT). This immunization causes side effects, including fever. Fever treatment can be done pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically, namely by applying an onion compress to the baby. Information on giving onion compresses to babies has not been maximally provided to the public, especially to parents. Posyandu cadres are members of the community who are selected from and by the community, able to work together in various community activities voluntarily to overcome individual health problems and provide regular posyandu services. Through the health workers at PMB Ronni Siregar, this can be used as a means of disseminating information via e-leaflets. It is hoped that this community service will be able to increase the knowledge of posyandu cadres, so that they can provide information to mothers who have babies about how to use shallot compresses as a good choice to help reduce fever in babies after receiving DPT 1 immunization. It is hoped that this community service will can increase the knowledge of health workers at PMB Ronni Siregar as a form of complementary care that can help reduce fever in babies after receiving DPT 1 immunization.
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