Community empowerment, stunting, toddler nutritionAbstract
The problem faced by residents of Bagan Deli Village, Medan Belawan Subdistrict is that the proportion of stunted and malnourished children is quite high, with 10.37% of stunted children and 2.9% of children with nutritional status below the red line. This is attributed to the community's ignorance of the importance of paying attention to the nutrition of children under the age of 5, especially in the first 2 years of life. In addition, maternal health during pregnancy, parenting and child health, and environmental conditions also play a role. Stunting conditions have a negative impact on a child, including stunted brain development, impaired intelligence, impaired growth and ultimately will reduce the immune system (more easily sick). In order to realize healthy toddlers, it is necessary to socialize the importance of nutritional intake for toddlers and the application of nutritional intake in daily life. This service activity focuses on 3 sub-activities, namely 1]. Health monitoring of children under five and prevention of stunting, 2]. Training on nutritional intake of toddlers in preventing stunting, and 3]. Examination of the nutritional status of toddlers and assistance in making nutritious food. From this service activity, from the results of the nutritional status examination, data were obtained that 33.3% of children under five with poor nutritional status, 33.3% of children under five with poor nutritional status and 33.3% of children under five with good nutritional status. In this service activity, training was conducted for posyandu cadres regarding monitoring the nutritional status of toddlers with KMS and nutritious food for toddlers. In the service activities, education and assistance are also provided to parents of toddlers in preparing a balanced healthy menu and monitoring toddler nutrition to be applied in everyday life. In an effort to reduce the incidence of stunting in children under five, it is necessary to empower families in an effort to implement nutritious feeding for toddlers and followed by routine monitoring of the nutritional status of toddlers at the posyandu.
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